Best Dandruff Shampoo 12 Shampoos Against Dandruff In Hair

Best Dandruff Shampoos (2023) – 12 Shampoos Against Dandruff In Hair

What is dandruff anyway?

Dandruff is dead skin cells that the body gets rid of. In fact, we lose about 40,000 skin cells distributed throughout the body every minute of our lives.

Skin cells are thus the cells of the body that we most often replace. So we’re all replacing the skin cells in our scalp all the time. But not everyone experiences dandruff problems.

Dandruff can be caused by several factors, which we’ll look at in more detail below.

Dandruff mainly affects men. In fact, most men experience dandruff problems several times in their lives.

Studies show that the reason dandruff problems are predominantly experienced by men is due to their high testosterone levels. Because the problem of dandruff is so widespread, there is also a huge range of dandruff shampoos, all of which promise miracles. So it can be really difficult to navigate the market and read through reviews and expert testimonials to find the best dandruff shampoos.

We set out to help you find the best dandruff shampoo. That’s why we’ve researched the market for you and put together a selection of the absolute best dandruff shampoos on the market.

Dandruff shampoos where you are sure to get the desired effect. We’ve given you several shampoos to choose from, as it’s impossible to crown one particular variant as the ultimate best dandruff shampoo in the world.

After all, the best dandruff shampoos for you and your type of dandruff isn’t necessarily the best for the next door neighbour. But don’t worry – if you read on, you’ll learn all about dandruff shampoo and different dandruff types, so you can choose the right one for your situation with confidence.

Did you know that around one in five Danes experience dandruff problems?

What causes dandruff?

If you’re experiencing dandruff or a dry scalp, it can be due to a variety of reasons.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common.


If you have dandruff, it’s usually not because you have a dry scalp.

The cause is actually the yeast Pityrosporum ovale which is found naturally on the scalp of adults. It should not be confused with the scab that very young children can suffer from.

So the yeast Pityrosporum ovale is naturally present in everyone’s scalp.

When the yeast develops into dandruff, it is because an overproduction of the yeast develops, which in turn leads to an overproduction of skin cells in the scalp.


If you suffer from dandruff, it may actually be caused by dandruff eczema.

Dandruff is similar to dandruff, but instead of being caused by an overproduction of skin cells in the scalp, it’s caused by sebaceous glands in the scalp clogging up.

Eczema of the scalp can spread slightly beyond the hairline. Eczema is a chronic condition, but with a healthy diet and lifestyle, it can be kept latent.

Stress, in particular, causes eczema to flare up. Eczema should be treated with adrenal hormone ointment, which you should get from your doctor on prescription.


If you have dandruff on your scalp, it may also be caused by psoriasis. Psoriasis is a mischievous disease that comes in many forms.

So you can have psoriasis on your scalp without having symptoms on the rest of your body.

If your dandruff is caused by psoriasis, it is a chronic condition that requires different treatment than a regular dandruff shampoo.

If you suspect your dandruff is caused by psoriasis, you should see your GP and get a referral to a dermatologist.

How does a dandruff shampoo work?

There are lots of different types of anti-dandruff shampoo, containing different substances to loosen dandruff so you can wash it out of your hair more easily.

They also give your scalp a treatment that slows down dandruff production. Among the agents you may encounter in dandruff shampoo are:


In some dandruff shampoos you will find the substance ketoconazole, which is a fungicide. It kills the yeast Pityrosporum ovale, which is the most common cause of dandruff.

When using a dandruff shampoo, it’s important to take your time and leave it in your hair for the recommended time so that you get the full benefit of the active ingredients in the shampoo.

Selenium disulfide

Selenium disulfide is found in some dandruff shampoos. Selenium disulfide has several beneficial properties. It goes in and helps dissolve the scales so you can wash them out of your hair.

Selenium disulfide also has the property of inhibiting the formation of horny cells, which is what you call the skin cells you have on your scalp.


Tar is also used in this type of shampoo. Tar dandruff shampoos are really effective in dissolving dandruff on the scalp.

The tar also has a soothing effect on a sore and perhaps itchy scalp. Itchy scalp should be treated and taken seriously!

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is, as the name indicates, an acid. Salicylic acid is used in small amounts in some dandruff shampoos because it can dissolve even thick layers of dandruff or other crusts.

Salicylic acid is also available in a more concentrated form as an ointment for dandruff. However, this version requires a prescription from a doctor as the solution is somewhat stronger.

How to use a dandruff shampoo?

It differs from product to product how to use them. That’s why you should always read the product information on the dandruff shampoo you choose.

But most of the time, a dandruff shampoo treatment consists of a period of 3-4 weeks, where you apply the shampoo every time you wash your hair or at least 2-3 times a week.

When you use dandruff shampoo, it needs time to work. The effect time is often around 5 minutes.

But the correct working time for the dandruff shampoo you choose can be found on the back of the shampoo bottle.

Once you’ve got the dandruff down after a few weeks, you can then keep the effect going by using a good dandruff shampoo 1-2 times a week.

If you wash your hair more often than that, you can just use your normal hair shampoo.

How quickly can you see an effect of the dandruff shampoo?

There are a lot of dandruff shampoos on the market. They contain different active ingredients and it is therefore not possible to lump all products together when it comes to how long it takes before you can see an effect.

Most of the time, however, you will see a visible difference after just a few treatments.

If you have very severe dandruff, it may take longer for the scales to disappear, as the many scales must first be dissolved from the hair strands so that you can wash them out when you rinse your hair.

For the most effective treatment and best results, we recommend that you follow the instructions on the dandruff shampoo you choose.

11 frequently asked questions about dandruff shampoo

Does tea tree oil work against dandruff?

Tea tree oil comes from Tea Trees, and is thus a natural product. Tea tree oil cares for and nourishes the scalp and beard in case of dandruff, dryness and itching. The scalp is soothed, the oil cares, soothes and moisturizes an irritated scalp. Tea tree oil also counteracts bacteria.

Does dandruff shampoo really work against dandruff?

Yes, dandruff shampoos help to dissolve the scales on your scalp so they can be washed off. Some dandruff shampoos also contain medicines that can treat the cause of dandruff.

Can you use dandruff shampoo on children?

No, it is not recommended to use dandruff shampoo on children under 10 years of age unless agreed with your doctor.

Can dandruff shampoo prevent dandruff on the scalp?

Dandruff shampoo can prevent dandruff on the scalp, but you should not use dandruff shampoo unless you suspect it.

Can you avoid dead skin cells on the scalp?

You can avoid dead skin cells on the scalp with good hair and scalp care. Take a closer look at your scalp and sense whether it lacks moisture or not. Excessive use of styling products can also lead to excess dead skin cells on the scalp.

Can a dandruff shampoo cure dandruff?

No, a dandruff shampoo is not a magic cure. But a dandruff shampoo can remove the visible dandruff and keep the symptoms down with regular use.

Why do you get dry scalp?

A dry scalp can be caused by fungus, eczema, psoriasis or similar scalp problems. A dry scalp can be treated with a moisturising shampoo, such as an anti-dandruff shampoo.

Why do you get dry scalp?

A dry scalp can be caused by fungus, eczema, psoriasis or similar scalp problems. A dry scalp can be treated with a moisturising shampoo, such as an anti-dandruff shampoo. Dandruff can be a sign that the scalp lacks moisture and care.

Why do you get dandruff?

It is often caused by Pityrosporum ovale, a yeast fungus naturally found on the scalp. An overproduction of Pityrosporum ovale causes an overproduction of skin cells, which leads to dandruff.

What is dandruff?

Dandruff in the hair is dead skin cells that lie on the scalp. The body gets rid of 40,000 skin cells, distributed throughout the body, every minute, throughout life.

My scalp itches, should I use dandruff shampoo?

If you experience itching on your scalp, dandruff could be the cause. Look at your scalp in a mirror and see if there are small flakes in your hair. Dandruff shampoo adds moisture to the scalp and can therefore relieve itching.