
Best Foot Spas (2023) – 2 Foot Spas With Massage

A foot spa provides better health and more well-being

Our feet model a lot every day and it’s incredibly important that you remember to care for this somewhat neglected limb. Many people have a regular skincare routine and remember to exfoliate and moisturise their skin, but forget about their feet.

There’s a big difference between feet. Some have never experienced calluses but have baby skin on their feet for life. Others get light hairy skin, especially on the heel where it can develop into painful heel fissures or they get corns. Many also find that the nails on their feet become thicker with age and therefore harder to cut. This can lead to nail splitting when clipped.

With a foot spa you can make a world of difference to your feet and you will find that well cared for feet make a big difference to your everyday life because they become less sore and tired. Plus, a well-groomed foot just looks better.

Many people choose a foot spa that is also a foot massage machine, killing two birds with one stone. Because while your feet are soaking to make them easier to pedicure, your feet are getting a massage that removes soreness and fatigue from the day but also gets the blood circulation going to remove accumulated waste.

What is a footbath machine?

A footbath machine is the luxury version of an old-fashioned footbath with water. Footbath machines come in many shapes and colours, but what they all have in common is that they can give your feet a well-deserved footbath.

There is a difference in how advanced the different foot baths or foot spas are. Some have a heater that creates the temperature of the water so it doesn’t get lukewarm, others can also heat the water for you.

You can also choose a footbath machine with massage and loosen up sore muscles or opt for infrared heat which can really boost blood circulation in your feet.

A footbath machine is for those who want to:

  • Relief of sore feet
  • Loosens tense muscles
  • Dissolves calluses
  • Prepare feet for pedicure


  • Foot massage
  • Bubble function
  • Infrared heat

Add Epsom salt to the water. – Epsom salt is not really salt at all, but a naturally occurring mineral consisting of magnesium and sulphate, which is known for its beneficial properties, including removing waste products and other harmful substances in the body.

Add Epsom salt to your foot bath or when you take a bath and let the healing minerals penetrate the skin while helping to dissolve calluses.

How to choose the best foot spa for your feet

If you’ve decided to buy a foot spa, it’s because you’re tired of putting your feet in a dishwasher tub of water that gets cold in no time.

Therefore, when you are going to buy a footbath machine, it is important that you choose one that lives up to the expectations you have. The perfect foot spa is certainly out there – but it can be a really good idea to do some thinking about your needs versus what options there are in foot spas.

I’ll now go through the most important aspects of footbath machines, so that you avoid making a boring mis-purchase, and instead get yourself a foot spa that you can enjoy for years to come.

Make sure there’s room for your feet in the footbath machine

Not all footbath machines have equal space for your feet. This is rarely a problem if you are a size 37 – 40, but if you have larger feet than that, which many men in particular do, then you should make sure that the foot spa you choose has plenty of room for your feet.

It’s not comfortable to take a footbath if your feet are scraping against the edges. Therefore, choose a footbath machine that provides good space for your feet.

Heating element ensures the correct temperature in your foot spa

A footbath needs to be nice and warm to have the right relaxing effect. But if you just stick your feet in a tub of hot water, it won’t be long before the water starts to get lukewarm.

There are differences between foot spas or foot spa machines as they are also called. Some have heaters to keep the water temperature constant, others require you to pour hot water into the container yourself.

I would definitely recommend a footbath machine that has a built-in heater. This way you can stay seated and enjoy your footbath for as long as you like, without worrying about lukewarm water and cold feet.

Footbath with bubbles

If you choose a foot spa with small nozzles placed in the tub itself, you can make bubbles in the water, similar to what you know from a jazucci.

The vibrating bubbles provide a nice relief to sore and tired feet and are highly recommended after a long day of being on your feet all day. Consider whether this is a feature that is important to you – or rather your feet.

Foot spa with massage

It can be a great idea to combine a foot bath with a wonderful foot massage. At least if you want to pamper your feet.

Many foot spas are also a foot massage machine. This means you can get a relaxing foot massage that also increases blood circulation in your feet and legs. It’s incredibly soothing for tired and sore feet and perfect if you stand up for long hours a day or if you’re bothered by your feet.

As well as being able to give a delicious point massage like Shiatzu massage, some foot spas also have massage rollers at the bottom to stimulate and massage the reflex zones under your feet.

Consider whether your footbath will go up a level if you choose one that also provides a massage function.

Infrared light treatment warms up your feet from the inside

If you choose a foot bath that is also a foot massager, you can often add infrared light. Infrared light causes the water molecules in your body to vibrate, triggering a heating response.

So your feet are pleasantly warmed from the inside which is incredibly pain relieving. But it also causes the blood vessels to dilate, which increases blood flow and therefore blood circulation.

If you suffer from perpetually cold feet, arthritis in the feet or another pain condition, you will benefit greatly from infrared light treatment.

Pedicure accessories

Depending on the footbath machine you choose, pedicure tools are often included. These can be foot file inserts, which can be placed in the bottom of the foot bath to grind your heels and the pads of your feet at the front.

It can also be pedicure kits intended for the aftercare once you’ve got your feet out of your foot spa. I would recommend you to appreciate the pedicure accessories included but do not include this kind of accessories in your choice.Nail clippers, nail file etc can be easily purchased.

What is a pedicure? – A pedicure is a foot treatment. They involve removing calluses, trimming and filing nails and cleaning up cuticles. Often finished with nail polish. A hand treatment is called a manicure.

How to do a good home pedicure (Guide)

It’s important to take good care of your feet with the right footwear, pedicure and foot care. A foot spa will definitely make it much easier for you to keep your feet healthy and happy.

I will now guide you through how to do an at home pedicure that will make your feet think they were cared for by a professional.

What you’ll need:

  • Footbath machine
  • Epsom salt, bath salt or a bath bomb
  • Foot file
  • Nail clippers
  • Nail File
  • Cuticle Sharpener
  • Foot cream

Start with a foot bath

The most important step to a successful pedicure is a foot bath. Fill your footbath machine with hot water or let it heat the water for you, depending on which model you’ve chosen.

Pour Epsom salt or a bath bomb into the foot bath and let your feet soak for 15 minutes.

You should not let your feet soak longer than that when you are going to do a pedicure, otherwise your feet will be so dissolved that they are difficult to deal with. However, it is important that the feet stay in the water long enough until the hard skin has softened.

Get out the foot file and pumice stone

Once the hard skin is softened, you need to start removing hard skin. Leave one foot in the footbath while you work on the other.

Use a foot file to remove hard skin on the heel and pads of the feet. Take your time and start with the rough side of the foot file. Once most of the hard skin is gone, you can continue with the less coarse side.

A pumice stone is good for removing dead skin under the forefoot itself and also good for polishing your heels and pads. When removing hard skin on your feet, it’s important to be thorough and take your time.

If you have a lot of hard skin, it won’t be removed in 2 minutes. At the same time, it’s important not to remove too much skin and make your feet sore.

Use foot scrub

Once you’ve finished filing your feet, use a foot scrub or alternatively a body scrub on both the top and bottom of your feet to remove dead skin cells and prepare the skin to receive moisture from your foot cream.

Use a rich foot cream

Rinse your feet well and dry them with a towel. Now give your feet a lot of love with the help of moisture. Many people forget their feet in the rest of their body care, but your feet are just as desperate for a moisturising cream or oil as the rest of your body.

Slather your feet in a good, rich foot cream and if you don’t have foot cream, you can use a rich body lotion, a body oil or even a massage oil.

Don’t just rub your feet when you give them a pedicure, make it a daily habit. Maybe just before you go to sleep, so the moisture can really penetrate the skin.

Clip your nails

It’s important to cut your toenails properly to avoid ingrown toenails. This is because ingrown nails usually occur because the nail has been cut incorrectly.

ALWAYS cut your toenails straight across. If you cut them round, there is a high risk that your nails will eventually become ingrown and this can be very painful.

Cut too little rather than too much. It can be very uncomfortable if your nail is cut too short, especially when you’re wearing shoes. You can always file the nail afterwards.

File your nails

Once the nails are cut, they should be filed so that they are not frayed and tear the clothes. When filing, make sure you keep the straight upper edge of the nail. And don’t file the nail any further down than a few mm from where the nail sticks.

Remove nail roots and push back cuticles

Once your nails are cut and filed, all you need to do is remove nail roots and push back cuticles. If you have loose nail roots, you can easily cut them off with a small pair of nail scissors.

Gently push back your cuticles with a cuticle pusher, this should be quite easy after your feet have soaked.

Use a cuticle oil to finish or after polish

It’s always a good idea to care for cuticles on hands and feet with a cuticle oil. If you’re using nail polish, wait to use cuticle oil until you’ve finished applying your polish. But otherwise, it’s a good idea to finish your pedicure with another round of foot cream and a good cuticle oil.

Make a homemade foot mask from honey and olive oil – and sleep with it

Night is the perfect time to give your feet extra attention. After all, it’s often the only time of day when they’re not in use for hours on end.

It would be great if you could incorporate a habit so that you end every evening by giving your feet a good foot cream. But if you want to do a little extra for them, make a homemade foot mask and sleep with it.

What you need

  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tbsp olive oil

How to make

  1. Mix honey and olive oil together in a bowl, then rub your feet well. Be especially careful with your heel.
  2. Then put on an old cotton sock or wrap your feet in cling film for an hour.
  3. Use the homemade foot mask once or twice a week and you’ll have feet as soft as baby’s bottom. The foot mask is also great as a hand mask.

Heel cracks are painful – how to heal heel cracks and how to prevent heel cracks

Heel cracks occur in dry skin like fissures. These cracks can get really deep and be incredibly painful when you walk or stand. And as you put your weight on your foot, the heel crack is forced open, prolonging the healing process.

Fortunately, you can avoid heel cracks by taking care of your feet, and once you have heel cracks, they can also be healed.

How to treat heel cracks

Treating heel cracks requires giving your feet a moisture boost while removing dry, dead skin.

It’s a good idea to put your feet in the footbath machine several times a week and then file your feet. At the same time, make sure you moisturise your feet, especially your heels, several times a day.

The most optimal is if you choose a special heel cream, but you can also use a bold foot cream or another bold cream.

If you follow this treatment you will quickly feel relief and within a few weeks your feet will be fine again. However, it is important that you continue to care for your feet as otherwise the heel cracks will just come back.

How to avoid heel cracks

As I said, heel cracks occur because of dry skin, but that’s not the whole truth, because the wrong footwear is also a big part of the problem. So it’s always a good idea to put some thought into your footwear choices.

However, you can do a lot to prevent heel cracks if you regularly care for your feet. You can do this by keeping them free of calluses and by making sure you moisturise them so that the skin doesn’t become dry. Make foot baths and pedicures a regular part of your body care routine.

Looking forward to getting your feet in a footbath machine

Then we’re at the end of the road. I hope you’ve wised up on what to look out for when buying a footbath machine. At least you now know what options you have for massage, infrared heat, etc.

I couldn’t possibly include all the product information in this article, but I’ve included links directly to the retailers so you can easily find additional information – at the same time, I’ve included the prices at the various retailers so you can easily see where to get the best deal.
Enjoy your footbath machine.