best hair clippers

Best Hair Clippers (2023) – 8 Hair Trimmers For Men & Women

With a hair clipper, you can quickly control your hairstyle

If you have short hair at the nape of your neck or above your ears, or if you prefer to be cut completely short, you can save a lot of money by buying a hair trimmer. The downside of many short hairstyles is that they need frequent maintenance to look good. This can easily get expensive in hairdressing bills.

With a hair trimmer or a hair clipper as it is also called, you can easily trim the neck and sides or the whole head if you wish. The many length settings allow you to get just the length you’re after and because a hair trimmer has a spacer, you don’t risk unsightly nicks either, but get a perfectly smooth cut.

A hair trimmer isn’t just great for trimming your hair. It’s also great for trimming beards and other body hair. Read on to find out what to look out for when finding the best hair trimmer for your needs. Plus, get lots of great tips on how to use a hair trimmer to its best advantage.

What is a hair clipper?

A hair trimmer is a clever little electric handheld machine that you can use to cut your hair. It can be very similar in appearance and use to a beard trimmer.

A hair trimmer is super handy if you are short-haired because a good hair trimmer is equipped with different length settings so that you can easily trim your hair to the desired length.

You can choose to cut your hair at a uniform length all over your head, but you can also easily make more of the hairstyle by using different length settings and trimming the edges with the precision cutter.

If you choose a self-sharpening hair trimmer with charging station, the hair trimmer itself will make sure to be charged and maintained every time you pick it up.

Of course, you can also choose to save a bit of money and buy a hair trimmer that’s slightly more simple, so you have to remember to charge and clean it yourself. It’s a question of temperament and, of course, a question of economics.

If there are many children in the household or if you prefer your hair short, there is a lot of money and time to be saved by being able to do a nice home haircut.

Choose a cordless hair trimmer and trim your hair out on the patio or balcony to avoid loose hair all over the house.

How to choose the best hair trimmer

If you use your hair trimmer regularly and want it to last for years, you need to buy quality. After all, a hair trimmer is hard at work working through a thick head of hair or beard.

It’s therefore important that the motor is strong and the cutting edge is super sharp, so you get a good result. But there are many more things that come into play if you want to make sure you not only get the best hair trimmer but the best hair clipper for your exact needs.

I’ll now go through the main points you should be aware of when buying a new hair trimmer.

The motor of your hair clipper

The motor of your hair trimmer is incredibly important, as a powerful motor will ensure that the hair trimmer has enough power for the resistance it experiences when run through the hair or beard.

There are basically 3 different motors in hair clippers. There are:

  • The magnetic motor – The magnetic motor is a powerful motor with great performance, but it is also the type of hair clipper motor that makes the most noise.
  • The rotary motor – The rotary motor is what is most often seen in hair trimmers today. It is a powerful motor with good performance.
  • The rotary motor – The rotary motor is almost exclusively found in professional hair trimmers.

Hair trimmer blades

Your hair trimmer blades or inserts are, in conjunction with the motor size, the most important aspect in a hair trimmer. In fact, it’s incredibly important that the blades are always ultra sharp so they can easily cut through your hair.

As with the motor of the hair trimmer, there are also 3 different types of blades or cutters for hair trimmers.

  • Stainless steel blades – A stainless steel cutter is usually the cheapest. It is also the type of blade that requires the least maintenance and stays sharp for a long time. However, a stainless steel blade is not as durable as a ceramic or titanium blade.
  • Ceramic blade – Some of the newer hair trimmers have a ceramic blade. These are more expensive blades, but they have the advantage of not overheating and warping, as can happen with stainless steel or titanium blades. Unfortunately, they are not very durable and they are also at the more expensive end of the price scale.
  • Titanium blades – Titanium blades are considered to be the ultimate in quality and are certainly the most durable blades that can be sharpened again and again. However, there is a lot of maintenance with a titanium blade if you want to avoid fly dust. Plus, a titanium blade is rarely cheap.

Trimmer length settings

The super smart thing about a hair trimmer is that you can set the trimmer to cut your hair in different lengths. This allows you to. easily cut the neck and sides short, but keep some length on top.

It varies from model to model how many options you have to set the length. Many hair trimmers range between 2 mm, which is recommended for beard stubble, and up to between 26 and 46 mm.

Figure out for yourself what your needs are. Do you always cut your hair the same length or do you want the freedom to set your hair trimmer to many lengths.

The precision cut of the hair trimmer

The hair trimmer’s precision cutting edge is the straight edge sitting on the front of the hair trimmer. On some models, this precision blade can be pushed forward. This can make it easier to use.

The precision cutter is used when trimming the edges of your hairstyle or beard. If you’re handy, the precision cutter can also be used to shave bold patterns into short hair. Many boys find this fun.


9 out of 10 hair trimmers today are cordless and it would also clearly be my recommendation that you choose a cordless model that simply needs to be charged.

When you don’t rely on a cord, you have much more freedom of movement. A cord easily gets in the way when you need to angle your hair trimmer to take hair at all angles. A cordless hair trimmer also allows you to take it on holiday or you do the cutting outside, so you don’t have as much clean up.

Battery and charging time

When I recommend you to buy quality, it is also because of the battery. There’s nothing more annoying than being halfway through your hair and running out of battery.

Choose a hair trimmer with a powerful battery that lasts a long time on a charge, but in return is quickly charged. Make a habit of always charging your hair trimmer when you’re done using it. Or choose a hair trimmer with a charging/cleaning station and save yourself the hassle.

Cleaning station / Charging station

If you’re willing to pay a little extra, you can choose a hair trimmer with a cleaning station / charging station. This way, the hair trimmer takes care of sharpening the blades and adding oil when needed, while charging the trimmer.

It’s a great option for those who want a hair trimmer that’s always sharpened and ready without having to think about anything themselves.

Cleaning your hair trimmer

If you have not chosen a hair trimmer with charging station / cleaning station, then you must do the cleaning yourself. And it’s important that you make sure you clean your clipper every time you use it.

Loose hairs need to be removed and periodically the blades need to be oiled. The loose hairs should be removed every time you use the trimmer. Use the cleaning brush provided.

If you use your hair trimmer in many places on your body, it may be a good idea to spray it with alcohol (use a spray bottle). This will ensure that your hair trimmer doesn’t become a germ bomb.

Guide – How to do a home haircut with a hair trimmer

If you’ve never used a hair trimmer before, it’s no wonder you’re a little nervous. But if you follow this simple guide, you should get a really good result. Even the first time and practice makes perfect, as we all know.

What you need:

  • Hair trimmer
  • Scissors
  • Kam
  • Mirror
  • Hairdresser’s cap

Start by putting on a hairdressing cap to save your clothes from millions of tiny hairs. You can also use an old towel, a sheet or a raincoat if you don’t have one. If you do use a rain cover, make sure you turn the cap inside out so it doesn’t get in the way.

Start with the neck – You should always start with the neck. Tilt your head forward slightly and start at the base of your neck, moving the trimmer up towards the thickest part of the back of your head and stopping there. Check that the length of the neck is appropriate and adjust the length settings if necessary.

Be aware of whirls – You should run the hair trimmer back and forth at different angles. That way you’re sure to get a consistent result even if you have swirls in your hair. Don’t be afraid to run the trimmer through your hair many times. It won’t cut more hair than it’s set to.

Continue with the sides – Once the neck is done, you need to start on the sides of the head. Do the same with the neck and cut from the bottom up. You should finish at the same height as you did in the neck, i.e. where the back of the head is widest.

Bend the ears down – It can be hard to reach around the ears, but it helps if you bend your ear down. You’ll need to cut a border around the ear. You can do this with the precision edge of the hair trimmer or you can do it with a pair of hairdressing scissors (or other pointed scissors).

Cut front and top longer than sides and neck – Unless you want to be completely bobbed, switch to a longer length setting when you get to the top of the hair as well as the bangs.

Cut from the forehead and back – Start cutting from the forehead and backwards in long straight lines. You may need to do this several times to get an even result. You may need to run the trimmer a few times from the top of the neck and slightly forward, depending on whether you have whirls.

Make a neat transition – You can create a fluid transition between the very short hair at the nape and sides and the hair at the top of your head by gently trimming the transition to a length slightly in between the short and longer hair.

Trim the edges with a hair trimmer or hairdressing scissors – It is important that you remember the edges. They’re what make your newly cut hair play perfectly. You can use the hair trimmer’s precision cut for this. It’s also good for removing hair from the back of your neck. Also use the hair trimmer or a pair of hairdressing scissors to cut around the ears.

Now all you need to do is rinse your hair to remove any loose hairs and you’re ready to style your new hairdo.

Don’t forget sunscreen for your hair if you’ve gone for it with the hair trimmer

How to get the best results when using a hair trimmer

Anyone can use a hair trimmer if their hair needs to be trimmed to a uniform length across the entire head. It only takes a few minutes with a good hair trimmer.

And with a little practice, you’ll actually be able to create great hairstyles with a hair trimmer and scissors, saving the family a lot of money on hairdressing visits.

With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to great results:

1. Your hair must be clean and dry. You should trim your hair before you shower. It’s much easier for the trimmer to glide through your hair if it’s dry. However, you should make sure that your hair does not contain a lot of product that sticks together.

2. Make sure the hair trimmer is fully charged and cleaned. You should make sure your hair trimmer is fully charged before you start trimming your hair. It will really suck to be almost done and run out of battery. At the same time, it’s important to make sure you maintain your hair trimmer so that it’s cleaned of hair debris from the previous cut. If your hair trimmer is not self-cleaning, then you should also make sure to oil the blades periodically.

3. Adjust the length setting before you start. It’s important to remember to set the length of the trimmer before you start, so you don’t end up cutting too much. If you are in doubt between two settings, always choose the longer one. You can always cut more, but once you’ve cut too much, there’s nothing to do but wait for it to grow back.

Use a hair trimmer to remove hair all over your body

Fashions are always changing, even when it comes to body hair. Whereas in the 70s you couldn’t get hairy enough, whether you were male or female, today fashion dictates far less body hair.

If you have body hair you’d like to be rid of and you’re intimidated by the thought of a wax, you can easily do it with a hair trimmer.

Trim your beard with a hair trimmer

Beards are super fashionable at the moment, especially if the beard is well groomed and well trimmed. If you want to trim your beard, you’ll get the best results with a beard trimmer designed specifically for beards, but you can also easily use your hair trimmer, which can both trim the beard to the desired length and straighten the edges with precision cutting.

Here’s how:

Use the hair trimmer at the desired length and trim the beard from the bottom up. This will lift the beard from the skin and give a more accurate trim.

Remove hair on your back with a hair trimmer

If you have hair on your back and arms that you want to get rid of, you have 4 options. You can have them removed by laser, it just costs the box. You can have them removed with wax, it makes mega avs, you can remove them with a scraper, with the risk of cutting yourself or you can remove them easily, painlessly and without the risk of hurting yourself with a hair trimmer.

How to:

Use the hair trimmer on the lowest length setting or use the precision cutter and trim against the direction of the hair, so the hair doesn’t settle and you get the closest shave.

Remove chest hair with a hair trimmer

If you have hair on your chest and would like to remove it, you can get great results with a hair trimmer. Even if you have a lot of hair on your chest.

Here’s how:

Use the precision cutter or the shortest setting on the hair trimmer and shave against the direction of the hair. This will require you to shave at different angles, as hair on the chest grows in several different directions.

Trim armpits and other hair with a hair trimmer

No matter where on your body you want to trim your body hair, you can use your hair trimmer. Just be sure to clean your trimmer thoroughly after use so you don’t move germs around your body (see section on cleaning and maintenance).

How to:

Use the hair trimmer on the desired length setting and trim against the direction of the hair.

Ready for your first haircut?

So we’ve been all around the hair trimmer. I’ve presented you with a selection of the absolute best hair trimmers on the market right now. These are all trimmers that have received rave reviews from hairdressers and ordinary consumers like you and me. So these are hair trimmers that have proven to be really good in use.

I have also given you a lot of tips on how to cut your hair with a hair trimmer and how else you can use it in your personal care.

If there are any questions you haven’t got answered yet, follow the link to the retailer of the hair trimmer. There you will be able to find further product information.

Have fun with your home hair salon.