Best Hair Elastics 7 Elastics For Fixing The Hair

Best Hair Elastics (2023) – 7 Elastics For Fixing The Hair

Be careful your hair elastic doesn’t ruin your hair

Hair elastics are indispensable if you have a little length in your hair. Long hair is super pretty, but it can also easily get in the way during the day if you don’t have the option to gather it with a hair elastic.

The best hair elastic is not only practical because it helps you keep your hair away from your face, but it can also help you create both simple and complicated hairstyles that you can use both for everyday and for parties.

Many people don’t think much about which hair elastics they choose, they are often chosen based on colour or design or because they are hanging at the checkout reminding you that you need elastics.

But you should actually think a lot about which elastics you use in your hair. The wrong elastic will wear your hair down unnecessarily. An example of this is the old-fashioned elastics that are closed with a small metal ring. You should avoid such elastics as they are guaranteed to wear down your hair and probably tear out hair when you remove them.

The best hair elastic keeps a firm grip on your hair without damaging it

With a hairbrush and some elastics, you can create many exciting updo hairstyles from a messy bun on top of your head, to a beautiful braided hairstyle that’s pulled together with an elastic band.

But if your hair is going to be up for a really long day, it’s important that you’ve chosen an elastic that’s not only gentle on your hair, but also comfortable to wear.

Some hair elastics tend to pinch or scratch and others lose their elasticity within a few hours. So it pays to choose your elastics carefully.

There are different types of hair elastics on the market that can help you style your hair the way you want.

Some are suitable for holding a strong hair in a ponytail, others are perfect when you need to make small braids or other details in your hair and want to be able to hide the hair elastic.

And finally, there are all the cool colourful elastics that can help complete any look for kids and adults alike.

Spiral hair elastics

When the spiral elastic was first launched, it pioneered the market and the initial hype has lasted, because the spiral elastic has a lot of advantages over traditional hair elastics.

Because the spiral hair elastic is shaped the way it is, it can hold your hair without the hair elastic having to fit tightly around your hair. This makes it a super comfortable hair elastic because it does not tighten.

At the same time, it is also one of the most gentle hair elastics available and you avoid any wear and tear on your hair.

And last but not least, you also avoid unsightly elastic marks on your hair, allowing you to alternate between having your hair up and hanging loose as you please.

How to shrink your spiral hair elastic – A spiral elastic loses its shape after a while and the spiral becomes looser. However, this does not mean that it is time to replace the spiral hair elastic, as you can easily shrink it again. All you need is a cup of boiling water. Place your spiral hair elastics in the cup of hot water and they will shrink back to their original size in a moment.

Scrunchies hair elastics

Scrunchies are at least as popular as the spiral hair elastics, although the two types of hair elastics differ markedly from each other.

Where a spiral hair elastic is a functional rubber band that has to perform a task and otherwise not attract attention, scrunchies are extremely eye-catching while also belonging to the most gentle hair elastics.

A scrunchies is an ordinary hair elastic covered with an oversize fabric covering. The fabric covering means that the hair elastic does not wear on the hair. At the same time, the fabric covering makes the hair elastic its own little statement piece.

You can choose a scrunchies in a neutral color or a scrunchies with lots of color or an exciting print if you want to spice up a slightly boring outfit.

If you have kids, you can find lots of cute kids scrunchies with prints and kid-friendly colors. Children’s scrunchies are smaller and therefore better suited for the fine children’s hair.

Make your own scrunchies from leftover fabric – You can easily make your own scrunchies from leftover fabric if you want to make sure your scrunchies match your clothes. A scrunchie is just an elongated strip of fabric sewn together on the wrong side. Turn the wrong side in and thread a trouser elastic through the scrunchie strip and tie a knot. Sew the fabric strip together and voila – you have a new scrunchies.

Scrunchie Tail

A scrunchie tail is a further development of the regular scrunchie. A scrunchie tail is simply a scrunchie that’s got loose fabric ends that hang down like the ends of the ribbon on a bow.

Scrunchie tails are hugely cute for both kids and adults because they give your outfit a splash of sweetness and romance.

Hair elastics without metal clips are indispensable if you have long hair. They can be used both to gather a ponytail with a strong hair and to make cute little pigtails before kindergarten.

There are many kinds of hair elastics of the more traditional kind, which is a thin fabric-covered rubber band with a hidden joint so it doesn’t ruin your hair. The fact that the elastic has a hidden joint also makes the elastic really durable.

The regular hair elastics come in several thicknesses and sizes, so you can easily adjust them to how thick your hair is.

There are especially many children’s hair elastics of this type, because they are super suitable for thin hair, where scrunchies and spiral elastics can seem too overwhelming.

The elastics are available in both plain and print and in all the colours of the rainbow. If you like gold, silver and glitter, you’ll easily find a great selection too.

Hair elastics with metal clips are a no go – A generation ago, all hair elastics were assembled with a small metal clip. It damaged a lot of hair and was cause for much crying when the elastics had to be removed again. The hair gets stuck in the little metal clip, which also wears the hair down considerably while the elastic is in place.

This type of rubber band is almost extinct, but unfortunately it is still on the market. You should avoid them – and if you have any at home, throw them out and buy new ones. Your hair will thank you and so will your reflection.

Small silicone elastics for setting

It’s super trendy with updo hairstyles that are nicely braided or twisted. To achieve such a look, you need small silicone elastics to gather the hair. The advantage of the small silicone elastics is that they are transparent, so they disappear into the hair and are not visible in the final styling.

The fact that the elastics are so small yet super elastic means you can use them to gather small clumps of hair without having to wind the elastic about a billion times, but you can also secure larger locks of hair.

Small silicone hair elastics aren’t made to fix large amounts of hair though, that will cause them to break. They’re more like the elastic equivalent of a bobby pin, to guide hair into the right position.

Hair elastics with decorations

Hair elastics definitely don’t have to be boring. That’s why there’s a huge selection of hair elastics with decorations attached, aimed at both children and adults.

For the adult target group, it could be elastics with beautiful attached pearls, feathers or artificial diamonds. For the younger target group it could be popular Disney characters, pink beads etc.

Hair elastics with decorations are a super cute way to spice up your hairstyle whether you are 4 or 40.

Hair elastics with artificial hair

Have you ever walked past someone on the street who has a big heavy bun on top of her head and cast envious glances at her. Possibly she is just provided with nice thick hair, it could also be she has hair extensions and finally it could be she has cheated a little with a hair elastic with artificial hair.

At the moment, elastics with artificial hair attached are very fashionable because they can add a lot of body to updo hairstyles like a bun or a ponytail.

Artificial hair elastics come in a wide range of colours so you can easily find one to match your hair colour.

Benefits of using hair elastics that are good for your hair

There’s every reason to treat your hair as well as you can. This is because hair is slow-growing, so it takes time for new growth to replace damaged hair.

If you consistently choose to use hair elastics that are gentle on your hair, you will;

  • Avoid broken hair
  • Avoid elastic marks on hair
  • Avoid wear and tear on hair
  • Avoid hair tightening

Hair elastics for men

In recent years, it has become trendy again for men to have long hair. Therefore, there are of course hair elastics that are specifically aimed at men.

When the popular man bun needs to be fastened on the head, it’s great to be able to do it with a masculine hair elastic. It could be a black elastic band, for example, which is then wrapped with a leather cord or a really chunky textured elastic band in earth tones.

Never go cheap on hair elastics

If you have long hair, then I’m sure you know about the mystery of the missing hair elastics. It’s a bit like stockings, where one stocking is also suddenly missing in action.

That’s why it’s also a good idea to always have a good selection of different hair elastics at home. It makes styling your hair more fun and it’s always great to be able to choose a hair elastic that matches your outfit rather than having to settle for one that completely sticks out.

I personally have a pretty large selection of different hair elastics. I have a number of favourite hair elastics that are my go to’s. And then I always have a decent stock of the more common hair elastics, which you can buy in big bundles. They’re great to keep in your jacket pocket, car or bag, so you always have a hair elastic to hand.

Have you found the perfect hair elastic?

Thanks for reading this far. I hope I’ve made you more knowledgeable about hair elastics, making it easier for you to choose hair elastics that won’t damage your hair, but at the same time have a good grip on your hair so the elastic doesn’t come loose and slip out of your hair during the day.

The hair elastics that I have presented to you here are all among the best hair elastics on the market.

If you have further questions about one of the elastics, please follow the link to the retailer where you can find more product information.

It is also on the retailer’s page that you can make your purchase. We all like a good bargain – that’s why I’ve made it easy for you to see where you can get your hair elastics at the best price.