Best Hair Treatment For Curly Hair 4 Selected Hair

Best Hair Treatment For Curly Hair (2023) – 4 Selected Hair Masks For Curls

Beautiful curls require care from within with a hair treatment for curls

If you have natural curls or have been to the hairdresser to get permanent curls, you’re bound to get a lot of envious glances at your good hair days. After all, beautiful curly hair is one of the most coveted things in the world.

But if you have curls, you also know how much work it takes to keep curly hair well-groomed so that the curls appear defined and shiny with plenty of bounce.

Curly hair tends to get dry, more so than other hair types. When a curly hair gets dry, it gets wild and unruly and the curls start to frizz.

What you need is a treatment that penetrates to the core of your hair and gives it a moisture boost from within – and that’s what a hair treatment for curly hair can do.

Unlike a conditioner, a hair treatment penetrates the hair. The hair conditioner is able to penetrate the hair shaft and can thus penetrate and repair the hair from the inside so that the hair is strengthened from the inside.

However, it is still a good idea to use a conditioner for curly hair as a finishing touch after the hair treatment, because a conditioner attaches itself like a protective membrane to the outside of the hair shaft and therefore helps to seal in all the goodness that the hair treatment has just boosted the hair with.

Use hair conditioner BEFORE conditioner

A lot of people use their hair products incorrectly, especially when it comes to conditioners and the order in which they’re used – and in doing so, they’re not taking advantage of all the hair product can do.

When it comes to hair conditioner – and not just hair conditioner for curly hair, hair conditioner should always be applied to the hair directly after shampoo. Never put conditioner in your hair and then hair conditioner.
The reason the order is so important is because the different hair products, shampoo, conditioner and hair conditioner “attack” the hair differently.

Shampoo – When you wash your hair with shampoo, you remove oil and dirt from your scalp, but you also open up the tiny scales that are part of the hair shaft. When the cuticle is open, it’s easier to clean. But shampoo also prepares your hair for conditioner or hair treatment.

Conditioner – A conditioner goes in and conditions the hair from the outside. It puts a coating on the hair, which protects the hair and has a sealing effect. This is positive because it helps prevent the hair from drying out. But precisely because conditioner has a sealing effect, you should never use conditioner before you use hair conditioner.

Hair conditioner – Hair conditioner should be applied directly after shampoo and before any conditioner. A hair conditioner penetrates the hair and needs free passage. If you have used a conditioner first or a shampoo 2in1, the hair conditioner will not be able to penetrate deeply into the hair and repair it. Therefore, always use a hair conditioner first and finish with a conditioner treatment if necessary.

Why you should use hair conditioner for curls

There are many hair products on the market that are beneficial for your hair and can help you get beautifully defined curls.

But when it comes to repairing your hair from the inside, only products like hair conditioner for curls and hair serum actually penetrate the hair shaft.

Because curly hair conditioner penetrates deep into the hair’s core, it’s also able to replenish the hair’s moisture balance from within. This helps to give curls plenty of elasticity and bounce.

Curly hair is a beautiful hair and a look that many women pay a lot of money for at the hairdresser. But curly hair is also the hardest hair type to deal with, requiring both the right products and the right technique for curls to look their best rather than wild, unruly and frizzy.

You can go a long way with your curls by replacing your hair styling products with products that cater directly to curly hair.

Oils worth looking for in a hair treatment for curly hair

Curly hair places high demands on the hair products used. Hair oils are popular both as hair oils or as part of products such as hair conditioners, hair serums and leave-in conditioners.

The different oils have different properties and there is also a big difference in how “heavy” they feel in the hair. Therefore, if you have dry curly hair, you will need completely different oils, or concentrations of oils, than if you have thin fine hair that loses volume easily.

Some of the oils that you may benefit from focusing on for curly hair are:

  • Coconut oil
  • Argan oil
  • Olive oil
  • Aloe Vera oil

Coconut oil – Coconut oil for hair is one of the most loved hair oils on the market. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which is known to boost the production of protein in the hair and therefore helps to repair the hair from within and make it stronger. Coconut oil is known to penetrate deeper into the hair than many other oils and can therefore provide curly hair with the extra moisture it needs.

Argan oil – Argan oil also goes by the name Moroccanoil because it comes from the Moroccan argan tree. Argan oil is bursting with vitamin E and antioxidants that help stimulate blood circulation in the scalp and thus hair cell production. Argan oil not only nourishes the hair but also the scalp and by using argan oil you can avoid dandruff and itchy scalp.

Olive oil – Olive oil not only tastes great, it’s also a great oil for curly hair. Full of vitamins A and E and antioxidants, olive oil nourishes hair from the inside out. At the same time, olive oil is known to reduce the production of sebum, which is the oil hair naturally produces and which makes hair greasy.

Aloe vera oil – Aloe vera oil is soothing to the scalp and helps restore the scalp’s natural balance. At the same time, aloe vera is also a shine booster, giving curly hair plenty of shine.

Blow dry curly hair with a diffuser – It is usually recommended to let curls air dry to avoid pulling the curls out of the hair. However, you can blow dry your curls and enhance their shape if you use a diffuser on your blow dryer. A diffuser is a nozzle that helps hold the curl in place while gently distributing the airflow.

How to get the most out of a hair treatment for curly hair

Your hair doesn’t benefit from being washed too often. Especially if you have curly hair, which is already predisposed to a tendency to become dry and unruly.

If you can settle for washing your hair 2-3 times a week, you’ll notice a big difference in your hair quality, both in terms of how your hair feels and looks, but also in terms of how your hair styles.

Then, when you wash your hair, you should use a hair conditioner in your hair at least every 2 times. Right after you wash it with a shampoo for curly hair and before you use any conditioner for curly hair.

When using a hair conditioner for curly hair, you should:

  • Wash your hair once or twice with a shampoo for curly hair. If necessary, use a scalp scrub or a scalp brush to remove dead skin cells in the scalp and boost hair production.
  • Rinse hair completely clean and squeeze as much water as you can out of your hair before putting in your hair conditioner. Be careful not to mess with your curls too much but press them in towards your scalp to squeeze out the water. When it’s worth removing most of the water from your hair, it’s so as not to ‘dilute’ the hair treatment too much, ensuring that your hair gets as concentrated a treatment as possible.
  • Leave the hair treatment on for the recommended time – and preferably a little longer. If you need to comb through your curls, now is a good time. Using a wide-tooth comb, start at the bottom of your hair and work your way up. That way, you’ll put the least amount of wear and tear on your hair.
  • When the hair conditioner has finished working, rinse it out of your hair with plenty of water to remove any conditioner that your hair hasn’t absorbed.
  • It’s a good idea to use a conditioner on your hair after the hair treatment. Some people think it’s overkill and unnecessary, but a conditioner coats the outside of the hair, protecting it from drying out while retaining the moisture you just added with the hair treatment. A conditioner for curly hair also has anti-frizz properties so your curls retain their definition.
  • When drying your hair, gently squeeze the water out of your hair without disturbing your curls. If necessary, use a curl spray or a curl cream to boost your curls and let them air dry without you touching them. Once your curls are completely dry, you can give them a spritz of hairspray for curly hair. It helps hold the curls in place while protecting hair from moisture in the air that causes hair to frizz.

Choose your pillowcase carefully – If you want to avoid your curls getting messy and frizzy and losing their shape while you sleep, you should choose either a bamboo pillowcase or a silk pillowcase. Both bamboo and silk are anti-static and therefore you avoid unruly hair.

Good tips on how to spot the best hair treatment for curly hair

I’ve compiled a selection of the best hair conditioners for curly hair that are available on the market right now. This is to allow you to make your choice between quality products that you can afford to have high expectations for.

But hair is different – and so is curly hair, which is why you should know how to spot the absolute best hair treatment for your exact curls.

Choose a hair treatment for curly hair that suits your hair type

Finding the right hair products for curly hair can be a challenge, because you need to cater for both your curly hair and your hair type. It’s a myth that everyone with curly hair has the same hair type.

If you have very fine curly hair, you should be careful about choosing a hair treatment for curly hair that contains too many heavy moisturizing oils. This can cause fine hair to slap and pull out the curls. If you have fine curly hair, you should therefore choose lightweight oils or plant butters that do not weigh your hair down as much.

If you have heavily wild curly hair, then you should choose a hair treatment that is for curly hair but also focuses on the hair’s lack of moisture and care. This type of hair conditioner often contains large amounts of the truly moisturizing oils like coconut oil, argan oil and olive oil.

Choose a hair treatment for curly hair that suits the health of your hair

When choosing the best hair conditioner for curly hair, you should do a health check on your hair so you know what your focus areas are.

Is your hair drier than it used to be (than it should be), do you have very worn ends or have you coloured your hair. It could also be that your biggest challenge is that your hair frizzes as soon as the weather is humid. Choose hair conditioner based on covering as many of your focus areas as possible.

For example, if you colour your naturally curly hair, your hair conditioner should target curls but it should also contain colour protection properties or have a UV filter, i.e. be sun protection for your hair. It protects the colour of your hair.

Choose a hair treatment for curly hair that focuses on definition and curl-boost

If you have curly hair and want to enhance your curls rather than pulling them out with a straightener, you should really focus on hair products that help curls contract so they stay elastic and hold their shape all day.

When choosing a hair treatment for your curly hair, go for one that is also an intensive moisturizer. When your curls lose their definition and frizz or straighten, it’s because your hair is too dry.

Some hair conditioners for curly hair even contain some of the same properties as a curl spray or a curl cream, giving your curls a head start before you’ve even started styling them.

Choose a hair treatment for curly hair that protects against frizz

The biggest challenge with curls is usually that the curls start to frizz and turn into a wild mess.

This can be caused by several things but the two most common reasons for hair curling or frizzing are external moisture (rain, high humidity, sweat etc) and the hair being dry.

Therefore, choose a hair treatment for curls that focuses on anti-frizz that can help you control your curls throughout the day.

Do you know which curly hair treatment to choose?

So we’ve come to the end of the road and I hope you’ve found my review useful and that you’ve learned something you didn’t already know about hair conditioners for curly hair.

The hair conditioners that I have highlighted here all have their focus on curly hair and they are also among the absolute best hair conditioners for curly hair that are on the market today.

Whichever one you choose, your hair will thank you and you’ll experience a big difference in the way your curls look and feel – not to mention you’ll find your curls are far easier to style – and manage.

If you have any questions about any of the products please follow the link on to the retailer’s page where you can find full product information as well as in-depth information about the hair treatment and the brand.

It is also on the retailer’s page that you should make your purchase. Here at Nbeautyguide we just guide you to make sure you get the best deal. For the same reason I have also researched the prices for you so you can easily survey the market and find the best price.

On behalf of Nbeautyguide, I would like to wish you all the best with your new curly hair treatment. I am sure you will have a lot of good hair days.