Best Shampoo Bar 9 Shampoo Bars For Washing All

Best Shampoo Bar (2023) – 9 Shampoo Bars For Washing All Hair Types

Shampoo bar is the future!

There is no doubt that we all need to make better choices in the future – choices that are better for the environment, and therefore ultimately better for us.

We live in a world that is a major consumer of plastics, much of which is not recycled but ends up in our natural environment, including our oceans.

Did you know that there are currently more than 150,000 million tonnes of plastic floating around in the world’s oceans – that’s sad!

Replacing the traditional liquid shampoo with a shampoo bar that significantly reduces plastic is an affordable task for everyone (most) and one that doesn’t require anything special from us.

And if you think you’re switching to a product that can’t do quite the same as the liquid shampoo – you’re wrong. A shampoo bar is at least as good as a liquid shampoo. Read on and get a lot smarter about shampoo bars.

Up to 80 washes with one shampoo bar – that’s sustainability

There are many good reasons to replace liquid shampoo with a shampoo bar – especially if you’re thinking sustainably.

With a shampoo bar, you’ll be able to get up to 80 hair washes out of the same bar of soap. That’s far more washes than you’d be able to squeeze out of a bottle of liquid shampoo.

By using a shampoo bar, you therefore avoid contributing to a huge amount of plastic packaging.

Just think about how many bottles of shampoo your family usually uses in a year and then multiply that by a lifetime. So a shampoo bar is an easy way to leave a positive footprint on the planet.

We live in climate-conscious times where it’s all about finding sustainable solutions – by minimising plastic consumption, for example.

In addition, the majority of shampoo bars also contain far fewer chemical substances, as many of the ingredients in a liquid shampoo are purely for the purpose of giving the shampoo its consistency. This is good for both you and the environment.

Shampoo bar vs. regular shampoo – Is it as good?

I know many people, myself included, raised an eyebrow when I was first introduced to the shampoo bar as an alternative to the traditional liquid shampoo.

I must admit I thought it might be an option for men and women with quite short hair but not a real option for my long hair which really makes demands on the products I present it to.

But I have been pleasantly surprised and would recommend anyone to swap the liquid shampoo for a shampoo bar.

Just because the shampoo bar is smaller than the bottled liquid shampoo, it definitely doesn’t mean it’s any less good at either cleansing or conditioning your hair.

In fact, with a shampoo bar, you’ll get a cleaner product more often than when you buy traditional liquid shampoo. That’s because there are a lot of ingredients in liquid shampoo that aren’t needed in a shampoo bar. So you often avoid a lot of chemicals and additives.

Choose a shampoo bar according to your hair type

As with all hair care products, it’s important that your shampoo bar is suitable for your hair type.

For example, if you have thin and fine hair, it is important that the shampoo bar contains a lot of moisture and care but without weighing your hair down in any way. That’s why many shampoos for thin and fine hair are also without a lot of heavy oils.

However, if you have thick hair, then your hair can handle more when it comes to heavy oils and if you have hair that is dry and worn, then oils in the shampoo are almost a must if your hair needs to be conditioned.

The range of shampoo bars is getting bigger day by day and this makes it easy for you to find shampoo bars that exactly suit your hair type.

Guide – How to use a shampoo bar

Interest in shampoo bars is huge, so it’s no wonder you’re curious to find out exactly what a shampoo bar can do and how to use it.

A shampoo bar, or a solid shampoo as it is also called, is incredibly easy to use and both children and adults can use it successfully. You can use the shampoo bar in your hair in 2 ways.

Foam the shampoo bar into your hands

  1. Get your hair wet
  2. Get your hands and shampoo bar wet
  3. Rub the shampoo bar between your wet hands
  4. Work foam into your hands, then work it into your hair and scalp
  5. Rinse with water and use conditioner or hair treatment if desired

Put shampoo bar directly into hair

  1. Get your hair wet
  2. Get the shampoo bar wet
  3. Rub the wet shampoo bar directly on the hair in downward movements
  4. Rinse with water and use conditioner or hair treatment if desired

If you use your shampoo bar directly on your hair, it is important that you only stroke your hair with the shampoo bar in downward strokes. This way, you avoid unnecessary wear and tear on your hair and it becomes less flyaway.

Store your shampoo bar correctly

To make your shampoo bar last as long as possible while keeping it hygienic and delicious, it’s important that you store it properly and not just leave it on a shelf in the shower stall.

Do yourself a favor and buy a small bowl that has holes in the bottom for water to drain. There are several shampoo bar holders on the market in nice designs that are specifically designed to air dry your shampoo bar, but you can also choose to use a regular soap dish like the one you use for your regular hand soap. It has the same function – to keep the soap nice and avoid bacteria.

A soap dish and a shampoo bar take up much less space in the bathroom than a shampoo bottle and at the same time the shampoo bar presents itself beautifully if you also choose a beautiful soap dish.

Conditioner bar

It’s not just your shampoo that you can now get in a handy bar – you can also get conditioner bars that pamper your hair with loads of moisture and care, while ensuring that hair stays shiny and manageable and easy to detangle after washing.

When you buy conditioner bar, then you need to take the same precautions as when you have previously bought conditioner in bottle. In fact, to be successful with a conditioner bar, it’s incredibly important that you choose a variant that suits your hair type.

When you use the conditioner bar in your hair, it works in exactly the same way as described with the shampoo bar. The conditioner bar gets wet and is either creamed between your wet palms or directly into the wet hair.

The advantage of using the conditioner bar directly in the hair is that you can easily avoid the scalp and thus the hair losing volume. But always remember to use only downward strokes with the conditioner.

Have you found your favourite shampoo bar?

There’s not much more I can tell you about shampoo bars – now it’s time for you to try the shampoo of the future for yourself. And you’re in for a treat.

Choose a shampoo bar that works well for your hair type and experience shiny clean, easy to manage hair without clumping or heaviness. Hair washed with a shampoo bar is easy to blow-dry lots of volume into – especially if you also use a volume spray.

The shampoo bar I’ve introduced you to here – doesn’t get any better. They are simply the best of the best on the market right now. You can therefore also expect a successful experience if you choose one of the featured shampoo bars.

If you have any questions about any of the products, you can find additional information by following the link on to the retailer’s page – on the retailer’s page you can also make your purchase so you can start washing hair soon.

On behalf of Nbeautyguide, I would like to wish you many happy hair days.