Best Shampoo For Fine Hair 9 Light Shampoos For

Best Shampoo For Fine Hair (2023) – 9 Light Shampoos For Fine & Flat Hair

What are the characteristics of fine hair?

Fine hair is usually genetic, something you have inherited from your parents. But fine hair can also occur with or after illness and with natural ageing.

A fine hair’s biggest challenge is that it tends to lack fullness, simply because the hair structure is as fine as it is. That’s why it’s also super important that you choose a shampoo for fine hair and not one that contains a lot of oil.

Fine hair can also easily become static and this can be a big challenge when styling hair. It’s a good idea to choose the right hair care and styling products starting with the right shampoo, which is a shampoo for fine hair.

Shampoo for fine hair is the foundation for a great hair day – if your hair is fine

If you have fine hair, I’m pretty sure you’ve tried too many times to buy a shampoo or conditioner that made your hair completely clump.

Because fine hair requires you to be super selective about which hair styling products you choose for your hair. The first step in any hair care routine or styling is to wash your hair. The hair wash is therefore the whole foundation of how your hair behaves through the rest of your hair care routine and thus the final result.

When you can buy shampoo for different hair types, it is not a gimmick to sell more products, but because there is actually a difference in what different hair types need in a shampoo.

Therefore, if you choose a shampoo for fine hair for your fine hair, you will find that the shampoo in no way leaves your hair heavy. Instead, your hair will already be boosted with volumising ingredients during shampooing, giving you a really good foundation when styling your hair.

What should you look for in a shampoo for fine hair?

Fine hair places high demands on shampoo and other hair care products such as conditioners and hair lotions. Fine hair needs care and moisture as much as other hair types, but there needs to be a fine balance of ingredients in a shampoo for fine hair so that the hair is not weighed down by product and clumps together.

At the same time, a shampoo for fine hair should very much focus on the volume of the hair, so that it not only avoids weighing the hair down, but directly boosts it with a lot of fullness.

What ingredients to look for in a shampoo for fine hair

You can easily find shampoo for fine hair that is super super good, but that does not contain the ingredients that I mention below. In fact, there are many recipes for a good shampoo for fine hair.

However, the ingredients I highlight here are the ones that are most frequently found in really good shampoos for fine hair.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5, found naturally in wholemeal wheat bread, oatmeal and meats such as liver and heart, is a wonder vitamin when it comes to anti-aging.

B5 has been shown to have a visible effect when it comes to preventing premature aging of both hair and skin. For example, B5 is used as a panthenol in many face creams and wrinkle creams, and you’ll also find B5 in many of the really good shampoos.

B5 gives hair lots of volume and elasticity, while making hair stronger.

Studies have shown that B5 can delay the appearance of grey hairs and also help prevent hair thinning.


Filloxane is one of the new innovative technologies on the market. Fibralogy technology allows filloxane to penetrate the hair fibres themselves, into the very core of the hair shaft, where it settles as an expanding fibre.

But unlike, for example, a hair treatment. which also penetrates into the hair shaft itself, filloxane is not washed out of the hair, but deposited inside the hair shaft. This means that your hair gets more and more volume every time you wash it with a fine hair shampoo containing filloxane.


Fine hair often has a hard time dealing with oily products, but one ingredient that has many of the same qualities is polymer.

Polymer is a silicone product and when it appears in shampoo for fine hair, it’s a lightweight silicone product that doesn’t weigh the hair down in any way, but still gives it that nice softness that you can get with a hair oil or hair serum and also gives the hair lots of shine.

Polymer gives silky hair but lots of shine.


It’s always a good thing when your skin and hair care products contain plenty of antioxidants. Antioxidants work to protect both skin cells and your hair from what’s known as oxidative stress, or free radicals.

The free radicals that can affect your hair include alcohol, tobacco, pollution and the sun’s UV rays. However, it is not enough to use a shampoo for fine hair that contains antioxidants as sun protection for the hair. There you need to use sunscreen for hair.
Antioxidants protect hair from free radicals and boost cell production.

Rice proteins

Rice proteins have several amazing properties. First of all, rice proteins give lots of volume to the hair. But it also increases the hair’s ability to bind moisture. So it counteracts drying out of the hair.

In the West, we’ve only started using rice proteins in hair care products in recent years, but in the East, women have been using rice water to rinse their hair for more than 1000 years.

Rice proteins give volume to the hair, bind moisture in the hair and at the same time it strengthens the hair flexibility, so the hair does not easily break or get split ends.


Your hair naturally contains large amounts of keratin, in fact hair is primarily made of keratin. That’s why it makes a lot of sense to use keratin in shampoo, where the keratin goes in and boosts the hair and keeps it healthy. In addition, keratin in hair care products also repairs the outer follicle layers of the hair.

Keratin in shampoo gives moisturized, soft and shiny hair.

Fine hair places high demands on all your hair care and styling products

If you have fine hair, choosing a shampoo that takes into account the structure and issues of fine hair is a great start. But if you want to get the most good ,then it’s important that you don’t just stop at the shampoo, but also choose the rest of your hair products carefully.

Conditioner for fine hair

Many people with fine hair are afraid to use conditioner because they have bad experiences with their hair becoming heavy and clumping after using conditioner. This is super annoying, because fine hair needs to be nourished and moisturised just as much.

What’s important is that you choose the right conditioner: a conditioner for fine hair. If you buy a conditioner specifically for fine hair, the composition of ingredients is based on the fact that it should not weigh your hair down, but should be a light conditioner that still contains the moisture and care that all hair needs.

Conditioner settles on the outside of the hair shaft and in the very top layers of the hair shaft and therefore a conditioner for fine hair will also make your hair less prone to flyaways and electrics.

Hair conditioner for fine hair

A hair conditioner penetrates the hair longer than a conditioner and all hair benefits from being cared for with a good hair conditioner. Some hair needs a conditioner several times a week, other hair can do with a good conditioner once every one or two weeks.

If you have fine hair, your hair still needs a good conditioner. If you choose a hair conditioner for fine hair, you will avoid the hair conditioner being too oily. You have to be careful not to use too oily a conditioner on fine hair, it’s simply too harsh on the fine strands that will just clump together.

Avoid hair conditioner on the roots – If you’re worried about your hair clumping when you use hair conditioner, stick to applying conditioner to the lengths of your hair and avoid the scalp.

Leave-in conditioner for fine hair

If your fine hair is dry or damaged, it needs all the love it can get. But you need to be careful about which hair care products you choose. They’re not all equally good for fine hair.

A leave-in conditioner can be a really good alternative to a hair oil, which is otherwise an obvious hair styling product for dry or damaged hair. But where a hair oil is too harsh on very fine hair, a leave-in conditioner goes in and conditions the hair throughout the day, but without weighing the hair down.

Heat protectant spray for fine hair

Fine hair needs protection from heat as well as other hair types. But when you need to heat protect fine hair, again you need to be super careful about what products you use.

For example, there are many heat-protecting hair oils, but they are not very suitable for fine hair. Instead, choose a heat-protecting spray that doesn’t contain large amounts of oil.

Hair styling products that are super suitable for fine hair.

A fine hair’s biggest challenge is usually a lack of volume in the hair. But luckily, there are a variety of hair styling products that can help you with that.

Before you use your hairdryer, you can put a volumising hair mousse or a volume spray in your hair. You can also choose to use a salt water spray on damp or dry hair. This gives the hair a bold texture which in turn gives good volume to the hair.

There are also several products that add volume to the hair once you are done using the blow dryer. If you want extra volume, dry shampoo or hair powder are some of the most effective.

However, you can also choose to use a product like a wax spray, a wax spray is unlike other wax products not heavy for the hair and it also gives hold in the hair just like when you use a hairspray.

Hair Vitamins Hair Serum

If you want to give your fine hair the best conditions to stay healthy and well-groomed, you can choose to eat hair vitamins or use a hair serum.

Hair vitamins is specially formulated with the vitamins and minerals you need to give your hair the best conditions for growth. Hair vitamins are available in powder, tablet and jelly vitamin form.

Hair serum is a great way to give fine hair a boost. A hair serum goes in to soften and strengthen hair without greasing it. That’s why hair serums are also called dry oils. Use hair serums in the worn ends and watch your hair transform.

Products NOT suitable for fine hair

Having fine hair can be a big challenge because you have to be extra selective with what products you use in your hair. Both when it comes to shampoos for fine hair, but also when it comes to products that are suitable for styling fine hair.

I’ve just reviewed a lot of favourites for fine hair, but there are also hair care products that the vast majority of people with fine hair should go well without.

Hair oil is usually NOT suitable for fine hair

Hair oil is a great product – just not for fine hair. Hair oil is simply too overwhelming for fine hair. It easily makes hair heavy and can make it look unwashed.

However, you may be lucky to find a lightweight hair oil that you can apply to the ends of fine hair. Instead, though, I’d recommend using a hair oil/serum.

Most wax products are NOT suitable for fine hair

If you have fine hair and a shorter hairstyle, then it may be obvious to use wax, as many people do to style the shorter hair.

But as with the hair oil, wax is also generally too harsh for fine hair. Here I’m thinking of wax products like clay wax, fiber wax and cream wax.

But there is also a wax product that is often super suitable for fine hair. Wax Spray is a newer wax product on the market. It is a lightweight wax that is a cross between wax and a hair spray. It gives lots of texture, volume and hold to the hair without weighing the hair down or making it stiff like a hairspray does.

Take care of your hair with the best shampoo for fine hair

Our hair is a big part of our identity, so it makes perfect sense to take the best care of it. We do this by being hair care and hair styling products that suit our hair type and the challenges we have with our hair.

If you have fine hair, you’ll experience a world of difference if you choose products that are specifically designed with very fine hair in mind. You’ll feel the difference the first time you wash your fine hair with a fine hair shampoo and the effect will only get better over the next few washes.

I hope you’ve learned a lot about the importance of choosing the right shampoo. The shampoos for fine hair that I have presented to you here are all among the absolute best shampoos for fine hair on the market today. They can easily be compared to many of the hair products you get offers when you are at the hairdresser.

Here are shampoos in several price ranges and certainly one that will appeal to you. Should you have any questions regarding ingredients or the like, simply follow the link on to the retailer. On the retailer’s site you can find the detailed product information. It is also on the retailer’s site that you can make your purchase.