Best Silver Conditioner 8 Purple Conditioners For Neutralizing Unwanted

Best Silver Conditioner (2023) – 8 Purple Conditioners For Neutralizing Unwanted Tones In Light Hair

Silver conditioner is perfect for blonde hair

Everyone should finish their hair wash with a good conditioner or hair treatment and if you have blonde hair, it makes perfect sense to use a silver conditioner in combination with a silver shampoo.

A blonde hair comes in many shades, but most people like their blonde hair best when the hair is kept in cool tones. However, this can often be a challenge because very blonde hair tends to have a yellowish tinge.

If you make silver hair products a regular part of your hair care routine, you can greatly reduce or completely eliminate the unwanted warm tinge in your hair. But you need to choose the right silver conditioner.

As is often the case with hair products, there is a big difference in quality and silver conditioner is no exception. There are two points in particular where you can gauge the quality and effectiveness of a silver conditioner and that is on the conditioning ingredients and on the amount of purple/violet pigment.

Some silver products focus so much on removing the yellowish tint that they forget about the conditioning ingredients that hair needs. Other silver conditioners simply don’t contain enough violet pigment to make a difference.

The silver conditioners I’ve just introduced you to here are all silver conditioners that both focus on hair health and are so heavily pigmented that you can immediately see a difference in your hair.

What sets a silver conditioner apart from other conditioners?

A silver balm does what a regular balm does – and more. As well as containing a host of conditioning properties to help strengthen and repair hair and make it easier to detangle after washing, a silver conditioner also contains a number of properties that cater specifically for natural blonde and lightened hair.

A silver conditioner is violet, but don’t let that put you off. It won’t turn your hair purple. In fact, the violet colour is the secret to the success of silver products.

To understand why silver products like silver shampoo and silver conditioner and blonde color bombs are so effective, we need to get to the color theory. The violet colour is in fact the complementary colour to the yellowish shades in the hair and in hair lingo it actually means that the violet colour pigments go in and neutralise the unwanted yellowish tones in the hair.

So when you buy a silver conditioner, not only do you get all the benefits that you know from a regular quality conditioner, you also get to keep your blonde hair looking its best between haircuts. In fact, you can compare a silver conditioner to a very mild version of a colour bomb, which is known to maintain the colour of your hair.

Why blonde hair can turn yellowish

Your blonde hair can have a yellowish tinge, whether you’re naturally blonde, whether you’ve bought your blonde locks at the hairdresser or you’ve done a home dye job.

There are several reasons why yellowish tones can appear in blonde hair. Some occur more often than others.

Yellowish tones in lightened blond hair

If your hair is lightened and still has yellowish undertones, it’s because there’s still pigment left in your hair.

When you lighten your hair, it goes through several stages in the lightening process and it is only in the last part of the process that the yellowish tones in your hair disappear.

It can be really difficult to strike the balance of lightening the hair enough to remove the pigment but not lightening it too much so that the hair is exposed to irreparable damage. That’s why it’s also a good idea to see a hairdresser if you want to lighten your hair many shades.

The hairdresser can make a lightening hair colour mixture that is specially tuned to your hair’s original colour and general state of health.

The hairdresser also usually finishes a lightening hair color by giving the hair a rinse or toning color that helps eliminate residual warm tones in the hair.

However, a toning or rinse color is not permanent color and will wash out of the hair over time. This is precisely why it is important to use silver shampoo and silver conditioner throughout to prolong the effect, so that your hair stays blonde in beautiful cool tones between haircuts.

Yellowish tones in natural blonde hair

Even if you’ve never exposed your hair to a chemical ,you may find that your hair suddenly takes on an unwanted yellowish glow.

The problem usually occurs in the summer and can be caused by several things. In rare cases, the difference in pigmentation in the hair is due to illness or medication, but more often it is due to either the sun’s UV rays or bathing in salt or chlorine water.

The sun’s UV rays

The sun’s rays are not only harmful to our skin. They are also harmful to our hair. When the sun beats down on unprotected hair, it bleaches the hair, which means it makes the outer layer of the hair shaft porous. This causes hair to break easily and become terribly dry. But it also makes the hair turn several stages of golden before all the pigment is burned away by the sun.

As well as using a silver conditioner to counteract the yellowing,it’s also important that you make sure you use sun protection for your hair, in the form of a spray or hair cream.

Bathing in salt and chlorine water

It’s super nice to bathe. Your hair just doesn’t like it, especially if you’re blonde. When you bathe in salt water, the salt dries out your hair a lot and the sun’s UV rays are extra harsh on your hair. So always use sun protection for your hair and pamper it with a silver hair treatment.

If you bathe in chlorinated water, your blonde hair is extra vulnerable, because not only does the sun dry out and damage your hair, but you risk the chlorinated water giving your hair a greenish tint that can be hard to get rid of.

Use a silver shampoo for best results

A silver conditioner isn’t powerful enough on its own to tackle the yellowish tones in your hair. However, it works great in combination with a silver shampoo. The two products are designed to balance each other perfectly and together give you a truly effective cure for yellow hair.

A silver shampoo is a shampoo that consists of two components, namely care and cleansing – and violet colour pigments.

The shampoo part is usually most similar to a shampoo for dry hair or a shampoo for damaged hair, because very light hair is chemically lightened and therefore often tends to become dry and damaged. This means that it contains conditioning oils and butters that are life-giving for dry and damaged hair.

Most characteristic of a silver shampoo, however, are the violet color pigments, which make the shampoo heavily purple, but which effectively go in and neutralize the majority of the yellowish color pigments in the hair, so that your silver conditioner can easily handle the rest while conditioning the hair even more intensively.

Wear gloves if you choose a powerful silver shampoo and silver conditioner – It may be a good idea to use gloves if you want to avoid discoloration of skin and nails. However, the discoloration will disappear on its own within a few washes.

How to use silver balm

If this is your first time using silver products, you’ll be happy to see a marked difference in your hair. If you choose a good silver conditioner, like the ones I’ve introduced you to here, silver shampoo and silver conditioner are actually a miracle cure for blonde hair.

However, there is one single thing you need to be aware of when using silver shampoo and silver conditioner. Both products contain large amounts of violet pigment that can discolor your sink and countertop if not washed away immediately, just like a hair dye can.

Because of the high pigment, it may also be a good idea to use plastic gloves. Especially if you need money on a nice manicure with gellack or shellac nails.

  1. Start with a hair wash with silver shampoo You should always start by washing your hair in silver shampoo. Let the shampoo sit and work according to the directions on the product. This is often between 3 and 5 minutes. You should not leave the shampoo on longer than directed, otherwise you may risk your hair turning purple in the first few washes.
  2. Rinse your hair thoroughly When the silver shampoo has finished working, rinse your hair thoroughly. And it’s actually important that you rinse it so that it’s completely clean of shampoo. Otherwise, the shampoo will go in and counteract all the conditioning properties of your silver conditioner.
  3. Apply silver conditioner to hair When applying silver conditioner to your hair, make sure to cover the entire hair from root to tip, paying extra attention to the areas where you experience the strongest golden tinge in your hair. Leave the silver conditioner on for at least 3 minutes to allow it to penetrate the hair and for the colour pigments to do their neutralising work.
  4. Rinse hair thoroughly Once again, it’s super important that you rinse your hair thoroughly so that any residue from your conditioner gets out of your hair. If you leave product in your hair, it will feel heavy and without volume.
  5. Continue your normal hair care routine Once your hair is rinsed clean, you can continue your normal hair care routine as usual. However, it’s always a good idea to be extra generous with hair care products when you regularly use silver products. After all, silver products contain pigment, which can have a slightly drying effect on hair if you don’t counteract it with a good hair conditioner on a regular basis or by eating hair vitamins or using a hair serum on your hair.

Hair products that counteract a yellow tinge in the hair

The unwanted yellowish tones in blonde hair are such a common problem that there are several different products that you can use with your silver conditioner.

Silver shampoo is a must combined with silver conditioner, but I’ve already been

several times. Other alternatives are:

A colour bomb counteracts yellowing of the hair

A colour bomb is also called a colour bomb and is an incredibly popular product for coloured hair. Colour bombs come in many different shades from black to red to the incredibly popular ash-coloured blonde.

What the colour bomb can do is refresh the colour, give the hair shine and condition the hair like an extra good hair treatment.

The reason why hair color bombs for blonde hair in particular is super popular is that it contains a higher concentration of violet color pigments than silver shampoo and silver conditioner.

It is therefore the most effective cure for yellowish pigments in hair, unless you have to switch to hair colour products like rinse-off colour and tinting colour.

A rinse-off colour for ash blonde hair counteracts yellowish tones

If you find that a silver shampoo and silver conditioner aren’t powerful enough on their own to remove yellowish discoloration on your hair, you may want to get your hair colored with a rinse-off dye.

A rinse color is a semi-permanent hair color. It is a light covering hair colour that is gradually rinsed out over a few hair washes. If you choose a rinse colour in ash blonde or platinum blonde, then you can greatly camouflage unwanted yellowish tones in your hair.

A tinting colour is effective against yellowish tinge in the hair

A tinting colour is, like the rinse colour, a semi-permanent colour. However, it is much stronger in its pigmentation and it also lasts longer in the hair without being in any way comparable to a real permanent hair color.

A tinting colour is also often the technique the hairdresser uses to complete a lightening or bleaching of the hair

Have you spotted the best silver conditioner?

If you have blonde hair, you’ll be uncommonly excited about a silver conditioner to finish your hair wash. The best silver conditioner will leave your hair moisturised and wonderfully soft. It makes hair easier to comb and easier to style. But most importantly, a good silver conditioner will leave your hair in beautiful cool tones without a yellowish tinge.

Feel free to make your choice, between the silver conditioners that I have presented to you here. They are all silver conditioners, distinguished by their high pigmentation and the equally high content of conditioning properties – and are products where you can’t go wrong.

If you have questions about any of the products that I haven’t found space to answer here, feel free to seek out more information on the retailer’s site. That’s also where you can make your purchase. The best price, I have made sure that you can easily find.